FAQs | Herbal Medicine Online Store in Peoria AZ
If not taken with caution, herbal medicine may present some harmful effects such as when combined with other medications you are taking in
Yes, it may trigger allergic reactions, nausea, and high blood pressure. Those with existing medical conditions or are pregnant may be at extra risk too so intake of herbal supplements is not recommended for these people
Herbal medicines or remedies are usually used as health maintenance supplements by people.
This would vary greatly, but on average, it should take effect between 1 to 3 days.
Yes! Our herbal medicines are safe. Although while they are, there are still risks we need to be careful about, especially if you have a delicate health condition. Having said that, we highly encourage and recommend for you consult your physician and do your research first before buying from a herbal medicine online store and intake.
Herbal remedies come from nature (e.g. plant-based), making their ingredients more natural. Modern-day pharmaceuticals use chemically synthesized ingredients that are done in the laboratory.
It is recommended to take herbal remedies on an empty stomach, either 30 minutes before eating your meal or in case you have already eaten, you may take it 2 hours after your meal.
Yes, it is safe to drink black tea in moderate amounts every day, as long as you do not exceed 5 cups.
Yes, because of its caffeine content, and you may experience the following mild to severe side effects if you’ve had an excess intake:
It’s highly recommended to drink black tea after meals (to aid in digestion, especially if you are targeting weight loss) and during the daytime so it doesn’t affect your sleep at night because of its caffeine content.
Black tea is known to be beneficial in aiding digestion as well as in weight loss. Moreover, it’s also a good drink if you need an extra energy booster as it can keep you awake and alert when you need it the most.
Tinctures involve the concentration of herbal extracts by soaking them in either alcohol or vinegar. This includes the likes of dried or fresh leaves, barks, and roots.
You can keep herbal tinctures bought from herbal medicine online store for an average of 3 years.
Tinctures make herbal remedies more affordable and accessible as they are easy to make at home. They are known to relieve and cater to one’s physical and mental well-being, as suggested by scientific research. For instance, chamomile is known to relieve anxiety as well as serving as an anti-inflammatory.
Salve comes in the form of balms or ointments, with wax being its main component. It is most commonly used to apply over dry skin, rashes, or chapped lips, for treatment and moisture.
A balm is known to have higher beeswax content, making them thicker and more solid than a salve, where its consistency is only semi-solid.
A postpartum doula is a trained person who provides physical and emotional support to a woman and her family right after giving birth. They also educate by providing information on breastfeeding practices as well as giving techniques on how to calm a baby when in distress.
This depends on the agreement between the family and the doula, but ideally, a doula can stay for a few days up until a few weeks after the mother has given birth and has eased into the transition with the new baby at home.
A birth doula provides physical and emotional support during labor and the actual birth, whereas a postpartum doula provides their support services after the birthing process, and deals more in helping the mother transition to a life with her newborn.
A good doula is emphatic, patient, a good communicator, and encouraging.
Yes, and it’s best to plan this ahead prior to your birth so you can also get to know the additional aid that will help you during such a crucial milestone in your life. The first few days and weeks may be overwhelming for a newly-birthed mother, and that seems like the best time to have a postpartum doula or newborn care specialist around to help you and your family around during your transition.
Postpartum doulas undergo certification training programs where they should have completed hours of providing support to at least 3 families in postpartum, undergone CPR training, as well as completed readings essential to the practice within a span of 2 years.
In a day, a postpartum doula may stay for at least 3 hours to check on the progress of the mom and the newborn.
A postpartum doula’s goal is to ensure a smooth-sailing transition for the mother and her newborn after giving birth and prevent the occurrence of postpartum depression for the mother.
While doulas are there to educate, they do not teach a particular parenting approach. Instead, they provide support as they encourage the mother to develop their own parenting style approach.