Restore & Relax (Sitz Bath)


Earn up to 3 points worth $3.00

*We are not medical professionals. It is always recommended to do your own research regarding herbs. Especially when nursing, pregnant, or taking pharmaceuticals.



  • Comfrey
  • Yarrow
  • Calendula
  • Chamomile
  • Lavender

What is it?

A Sitz Bath is great for postpartum, but can also be used for any type of healing on the body. The herbs in this blend promote a speedy recovery for skin tears, bruising, joint & Muscle pain, and even fractured bones.

How To:


Put 1 teabag in the peribottle in the morning and allow to steep throughout the day (can steep multiple times throughout the day). Use as needed to wash your perineal area after labor & delivery. Use 1 teabag per day, use distilled water for best results *optional*


Steep 2 Teabags in 1 quart of water and add to bath. Relax in sitz bath for 15-20 minutes.


*General Use*

Steep 1-2 teabags in 1 quart of water and soak part of body that needs to be healed for 20-30 minutes 2x/day.


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