Sweet Dream Syrup


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*We are not medical professionals. It is always recommended to do your own research regarding herbs. Especially when nursing, pregnant, or taking pharmaceuticals.

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  • Distilled Water (Steeped with *Mugwort, *California Poppy, *Hops, *Rosemary, & *Devils Claw)
  • Honey
  • Brandy for preservation

What is it?

Our Sweet Dream Syrup will enhance your dreams and increase your chance of dream recall (don’t forget to write them down when you wake up though!). The herbs in this blend will also help to relieve insomnia and aid in falling asleep in general. Eases nervous tension and anxiety, and has slight pain relieving effects.

How to take it:

Take 1-2 tsp an hour before bed and 1-2 tsp right before bed. It is also recommended to drink a full 16 oz of water to increase lucidity in the body.

Additional information

4 oz Dropper





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