Instant Energy (Tincture)


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*We are not medical professionals. It is always recommended to do your own research regarding herbs. Especially when nursing, pregnant, or taking pharmaceuticals.

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  • Licorice Root
  • Ginseng
  • Rhodiola Root
  • Ashwagandha
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Tinctured in Organic Vodka

What is it?

Our instant energy tincture will give you the boost of energy you need throughout the day so that you can cut back (or cut OUT) on caffeine and unhealthy “energy drinks”. It is important to note that if you are already OVER exhausted, licorice could create a “jittery” effect as if you had one too many cups of coffee.

As with all stimulants, This tincture CAN be overused *see contraindications*. For Daily Energy Health, It is important to get an ADEQUATE amount of sleep in order to allow your bodies energy levels to fully recuperate, and allow your mind and to process your life, before starting the next day. And when you wake up in the mornings, drink a FULL BOTTLE of water before anything. You will notice a BIG difference in your energy levels for the day.

However, for those days that you just don’t have quite enough to make it through, This tincture will give you a much needed boost of energy. Not to mention, this herbal blend will help your body adapt to stressful situations and uncontrollable environmental stressors. Definitely a great replacement for coffee and energy drinks!

  • stimulates adrenal glands
  • produces energy
  • counteracts effects of aging
  • improves overall health
  • stabilize blood sugar levels

**Licorice CAN be overused. So just use for boost of energy as needed.

Signs of overuse include:

Vertigo & Headaches (early symptoms)

Water Retention (which can lead to edema), high blood pressure, heart palpitations, or a slowing of the heartbeat.

Do not use for acute illness (cold and flu). You should be RESTING, lol.


How to take it:

Take 1-2 dropperful as needed throughout the day in place of your caffeinated or energy drink.


Additional information






How To:

Take 1-2 dropperful as needed for boost of energy. Or put a dropperful in your bottle of water in the morning (it tastes good)

How to:

The most effective way to take a tincture is by putting the recommended dosage directly under your tongue and holding for 10-30 seconds before swallowing.

If this is difficult for you, you can drop in a shot glass with some water to take it quickly, or just put the dropperful in your glass of water to sip on throughout the day.

My tinctures are made with Organic Vodka (gluten free). I am more than happy to use glycerite or Vinegar upon request. Please contact me for special requests.

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